Z PR was tasked to run five road shows on behalf of the 2014 Free State enterPRIZE Job Creation Challenge.

The first roadshow was at Bloem Plaza on 29 March 2004.

Date and time: 29 March 2014, 10:00 – 14:00.

Full road show Entertainment component to attract attention; Consultants and displays; Big screen TV showing the website and videos of 2013 challenge.

Entertainers: Angelo aka Machine, Teddy B, Prime Ezy, DJ Pyrex and 2Nyce aka MoneyNyce.

Creating awareness: Press releases; Social networks (Facebook and Twitter); enterPRIZE website calendar; Diary entries on web pages and in newspapers; Z PR sent Tweets from the event.

Successes: For our first road show as part of this project we were exceptionally impressed with the amount of interest we received. We had 80 registrations and numerous queries and calls for information. Registrations were only received from people wanting more information on the project. The entertainment assisted in drawing the crowds who were inquisitive and came to ask for information. A total of 248 visits to the enterPRIZE website (AweStats) were recorded on the day with a further 1510 visits occurring in the week following the roadshow.