The South African Breweries (SAB) Central Region Beer Tasting Competition was held on Wednesday 3 February at the SAB Central Region’s The Lion’s Den. The event was hosted by Kgosi Mogotsi – Corporate Affairs Manager of SAB Bloemfontein and Anton Erasmus, SAB Trade Brewer & certified international beer judge.

Z PR was tasked with media liaison by means of invitations, photography and general overseeing of the event.
Mr Erasmus brought a lot of spunk and fun to the afternoon. Overall there were 11 media teams who took part – 2 teams from Welkom and 9 from Bloemfontein. The Media houses that took part included: Media 24 – Vista, Volksblad Group, Seipone News, CUT FM, Free State News, The Weekly, OFM / Central Media Group, Express Newspaper, Bo-Esi media (Contagious Magazine), Free State Sun and Radio Rosestad.

There were 5 rounds with 5 varieties of SAB’s excellent beers – including: Castle Lite, Black Label, Hansa, Peroni and Castle Lager. After round 1, there was a tie between the BarBeerians from the Vista and Team Contagious from Bo-Esi media. Mr Erasmus announced the Sudden Death Round between the two teams which meant that one designated person from each team should compete against each other.

Team Contagious came out on top with Innocent Mncube as the team Captain.
The winning team will now go on to compete in the national competition in Johannesburg in a few weeks time.