The value and importance of your company brand

Just like you, your organisation has an identity, something by which the world knows that you are uniquely you. Organisations strive to attract the attention of customers. Now, more than ever, it is very important to build a strong identity for your organisation.

The question that all business owners should ask themselves is: “What does your logo and brand image tell your customers about you?”

Gone are the days when you could choose a logo or an idea simply because it looks good. Creating your corporate identity should include a well thought out all-inclusive brand building plan, one to keep the face of your company in your customer’s mind and to show them who you are.

Maybe this is easier said than done.

Organisations should begin with a review of their values. What would they like their customers to know about them?

From here, they need to incorporate their corporate philosophy and organisational purpose into a well-rounded corporate identity, from the decoration of their office space right, online presence, straight through to the logos displayed on stationary and corporate clothing. A golden thread should always bind all aspects of the organisation together.

The other (very important) stakeholder in your corporate identity, often overlooked by management, is your internal market – the people who work within your organisation. HP co-founder, David Packard sums it up perfectly: “Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department”.

Building an identity your workforce can buy into is equally important. They are, after all the people who are often the first contact with your customers, they need to share your vision and complete the picture you are painting to your customers through your corporate identity. In short, they are your brand ambassadors. The more they identify with the organisation – the better their attitude will be towards the organisation and what it stands for, thus creating a valuable brand-building tool through your employees. This will ensure that integrated communication (communication with internal and external levels of an all-inclusive nature) is practiced.

Being unique

You don’t want to be a carbon copy of your competitors; you want to create your own picture – one, which can be admired by your customers and employees. Look at the following components:

  • What do you want others to know about you? What is your core organisation? Who are you?
  • Symbolise your attitudes and culture – portray what you stand for in your logo and surroundings
  • Identify your positioning strategy. Differentiate your company from your competition – show your customers why you are different. What makes your company special?

Answer these questions and weave it together in a picture. This will give you a well-rounded base for your corporate communication strategies, a core to build your organisation on. You must also be able to answer the question of what is your USP (Unique Selling Proposition).

Corporate identity is one of your most valuable strategic assets and a great marketing tool. Don’t think that good corporate identity results from success. It is a pre-requisite for it and it is never too late to build.

Steps to creating a corporate identity

(Source: Handbook of Public Relations, 6th edition – 2001. Skinner, Von Essen, Mersham)

  1. Gathering information
  2. Look at the company’s background, activities, long-range plans, the audience, the image you would like to project and the competition
  3. Design and conceptual work
  4. Evaluate/design the following elements: company name, trademark, logo, typeface, type style and corporate colours
  5. Put together guidelines
  6. This guideline must specify exactly how the corporate identity is to be used, as well as stress the importance of maintaining consistent design standards.

For more information on the creation of a corporate identity for your organisation, email for a quotation or phone/WhatsApp 066 2713820 to set up an appointment.

Examples of corporate identities that we helped develop