Unleash your marketing genius with the A-Z of Marketing Strategies from I to K! In this article, we will walk you through each letter of the alphabet and provide you with valuable marketing tips and insights.

We’ve got you covered with effective marketing techniques that can help you reach your target audience, grow your business, and achieve your marketing objectives, from A for Audience to Z for Zooming out to see the bigger picture.

So, buckle up and prepare to enter the world of marketing!




J is for Journey mapping: It is important to understand a customer’s experience with a product or service, which helps businesses identify pain points and opportunities for improvement.

J is for Just noticeable difference (JND): Use the Just Noticeable Difference because it helps to understand the smallest amount of change in a stimulus that is noticeable to consumers, allowing for more effective product differentiation and communication.

J is for Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: This is an effective marketing strategy created by Gary Vaynerchuk that emphasises providing value to your audience through multiple small “jabs” (giving helpful content) before delivering a big “right hook” (making a sales pitch).

J is for Joint Promotions: Collaborate with other businesses to create joint promotions that offer value to your audience and expand your reach.



K is for Keyword: Use keywords and SEO to optimise your content for search engines.

K is for Key Performance Indicator (KPI): KPIs are important in marketing because they provide measurable values that indicate the effectiveness of a marketing campaign in achieving business objectives.

K is for Key Differentiator: Make sure to have a unique selling point that sets a company’s products or services apart from its competitors.

K is for Knowledge Management: Effective knowledge management in marketing enables businesses to better understand their target audience, make informed decisions, and develop more targeted and successful marketing strategies.



I is for Influencer Marketing: Partner with influencers who have a strong following in your industry to promote your products or services.

I is for Inbound Marketing: Use an inbound marketing strategy that focuses on attracting customers through content marketing, social media and search engine optimization.

I is for Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC): Use IMC that combines various marketing channels, such as advertising, public relations and direct marketing, to communicate a consistent message to customers.

I is for Interactive Advertising: Use interactive advertising that engages customers through interactive experiences, such as videos or games, to increase brand awareness and drive sales.



J is for Journey mapping: It is important to understand a customer’s experience with a product or service, which helps businesses identify pain points and opportunities for improvement.

J is for Just noticeable difference (JND): Use the Just Noticeable Difference because it helps to understand the smallest amount of change in a stimulus that is noticeable to consumers, allowing for more effective product differentiation and communication.

J is for Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: This is an effective marketing strategy created by Gary Vaynerchuk that emphasises providing value to your audience through multiple small “jabs” (giving helpful content) before delivering a big “right hook” (making a sales pitch).

J is for Joint Promotions: Collaborate with other businesses to create joint promotions that offer value to your audience and expand your reach.



K is for Keyword: Use keywords and SEO to optimise your content for search engines.

K is for Key Performance Indicator (KPI): KPIs are important in marketing because they provide measurable values that indicate the effectiveness of a marketing campaign in achieving business objectives.

K is for Key Differentiator: Make sure to have a unique selling point that sets a company’s products or services apart from its competitors.

K is for Knowledge Management: Effective knowledge management in marketing enables businesses to better understand their target audience, make informed decisions, and develop more targeted and successful marketing strategies.